
Selected Abstracts

The Avon Breast Health Outreach Program (BHOP) team, with support from the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade, conducts ongoing program evaluation and action research designed to continuously improve program impact and client outcomes. A summary of recent publications and posters is provided below. For more information, please visit www.avonbhop.org or email admin@avonbhop.org.


The Avon BHOP team collaborated with researchers from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School on two recently published studies. The most recent study, published in the December 2013 issue of BioMed Central Public Health, utilized focus groups to explore women's knowledge and attitudes related to changing mammography screening guidelines. The authors concluded that communication about the rationale for mammography guideline changes has left many women unconvinced about potential disadvantages or limitations of screening. This publication was timely given increasing scrutiny of the efficacy of routine mammograms in detecting life-threatening cancers, particularly among younger women (under age 50 years), which has received recent coverage in popular media.

Women's responses to changes in U.S. preventive task force's mammography screening guidelines: results of focus groups with ethnically diverse women. (2013) Allen JD, Bluethmann SM, Sheets M, Opdyke KM, Gates-Ferris K, Hurlbert M, Harden E. BMC Public Health. 2013 Dec 12;13:1169. To view the abstract click here. 

An earlier study, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine in May 2011, evaluated the use of evidence-based strategies by Avon BHOP grantees to promote mammography, and discussed the widespread use of these strategies among Avon BHOP- funded organizations (96% used ≥3 evidence-based strategies). It also explored the high rate of recent mammography use (84%) among women aged ≥40 years exposed to the strategies, suggesting that medically underserved women are benefiting from effective interventions to increase mammography use.

Use of evidence-based strategies to promote mammography among medically underserved women. (2011) Lobb R, Opdyke KM, McDonnell CJ, Pagaduan MG, Hurlbert M, Gates- Ferris K, Chi B, Allen JD. Am J Prev Med. 2011 May;40(5):561-5.
Prepared by CAI (Cicatelli Associates Inc.). To view the abstract click here. 

In addition, in August 2013, the Journal for Healthcare Quality published an Avon BHOP study comparing rates of completion of client intake forms (CIFs) collected via three interview modes: audio computer-assisted self-interview (ACASI), face-to-face interview (FFI), and self- administered paper-based interview (SAPI).

Improving Completion Rates for Client Intake Forms through Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interview (ACASI): Results from a Pilot Study with the Avon Breast Health Outreach Program.(2013) Hallum-Montes, R, Senter, L, D'Souza, R, Gates-Ferris, K, Hurlbert, M and Anastario, M. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 2013 August 23. To view this abstract click here. 


      Impact of ACA's Medicaid Expansion on Client Demographics and Breast health behaviors for                   medically underserved women through the Avon Brsat health Outreach Program. (2016)                             Senter L,(CAI),Bauer K.M, (CAI),Gates-Ferris K,(CAI), Cicatelli Associates Inc (CAI), New York,NY; Avon                                     Foundation for Women, New York, NY. APHA Annual Meeting and Expo October 29 - November 2, 2016


In addition to journal publications, since 2007 the Avon BHOP team has presented numerous posters at the prestigious annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS), now entering its 39th year. This symposium provides state-of-the-art information on the experimental biology, etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of breast cancer and premalignant breast disease to an international audience of academic and private physicians and researchers. Below are highlights of select Avon BHOP posters presented at recent SABCS.

         Breast Health Knowledge and Screening Behaviors of Women under 40 accessing Avon breast                  health outreach program (2016)

         Bauer K.M, (CAI), Senter L,(CAI),Gates-Ferris K,(CAI), Leung E,(CAI), Cicatelli Associates Inc (CAI), New York,                         NY; Avon Foundation for Women, New York, NY. 39th Annual CTRC-ACR San Antonio Breast Cancer                                             Symposium- December 6-10,2016.

The Effect of Hispanic nativity and ethnicity on mammography use through the Avon breast health outreach program (2015)

Gates-Ferris K,(CAI), Senter L,(CAI), Aliaga M,(CAI), Hurlbert M,(Avon Foundation for Women) Ricci C.(Avon Foundation for Women), Cicatelli Associates Inc (CAI), New York, NY; Avon Foundation for Women, New York, NY. 38th Annual CTRC-ACR San Antonio Breast cancer Symposium- December 8-12,2015. P1-09-06.

 Improving completeness of client-level data collection in the Avon Breast Health Program through electronic tablet technology. (2014)

Senter L, Aliaga MR, Opdyke KM, Gates-Ferris K, Hurlbert M, Cicatelli Associates Inc. (CAI), New York, NY; Avon Foundation for Women, New York, NY. 37th Annual CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium - Dec 9-13, 2014. P2-12-01. To view this abstract click here. 

Anticipating ACA's impact on breast cancer screening for medically underserved women reached through the Avon Breast Health Outreach Program: Understanding the Massachusetts Experience. (2014)

Senter L, Aliaga MR, Hu Y, Opdyke KM, Gates-Ferris K, Hurlbert M, Cicatelli Associates Inc. (CAI), New York, NY; Mailing School of Public Health- Columbia University, New York, NY; Avon Foundation for Women, New York, NY. 37th Annual CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium - Dec 9-13, 2014. P6-10-18. To view this abstract click here. 

Implementation of electronic client-level data collection via tablet technology among organizations supported by the Avon Breast Health Outreach Program. (2013)

Hallum-Montes RM, Opdyke KM, Ruggeri C, Aliaga M, Bal D, Hurlbert M, Gates-Ferris K. 36th Annual CTRC- AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium – Dec 10-14, 2013. P6-08-15. To view this abstract click here. 

Characteristics of women under age 40 years served by organizations funded to conduct education and outreach to link medically underserved women with breast cancer screening services through the Avon breast health outreach program. (2013)

Hallum-Montes RM, Opdyke KM, Aliaga M, Hurlbert M, Gates-Ferris K. 36th Annual CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium – Dec 10-14, 2013. P5-13-11. To view this abstract click here. 

Rates of Cancer Detection and Abnormal Results among Clients Recruited for Mammography through Outreach and Education Supported by the Avon Breast Health Outreach Program. (2012)

J Rose, KM Opdyke, K Gates-Ferris, and M Hurlbert. 35th Annual CTRC- AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium – Dec 4-8, 2012. P3-02-07. To view this abstract click here. 

Promising Practices in Mammography Recruitment, Retention and Rescreening for Breast Cancer Early Detection among Community-Based Programs. (2009)

Opdyke KM, Pagaduan MG, Chi B, Gates-Ferris K, McDonnell C, Hurlbert M. 32nd Annual CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium – Dec 10-13, 2009. P3080. To view this abstract click here.